petros zeo

My Financial Turnaround

Pubima Udongi Mugisa

IN 2019 I REALIZED THAT even though I had been saved for more than 15 years, my marriage and spiritual life were both in a mess. I decided to resign from my job and give them the focus they needed. Two years down the road, my finances became an even bigger mess than the others. I had gotten a substantial “send-off” package when I resigned, but this only helped for so long.

I faced a wall and cried out to God. In my 15 years of following Christ, I had tried out everything (seeing prophets, reading books, fasting, attending overnight services and visiting prayer mountains) but had seen no change in my life. I began to seek God wholeheartedly. Around that time, I started to listen to the Spirit FM. My spirit lurched when I heard the voice of Apostle Mosze one day over the radio waves: “If you are not living in abundance and overflow, then you are not working His Word right.”

I had faith and believed the Bible’s promises, but there was a disconnect with my life. It was then that I received a simple instruction impressed upon my heart: “Sit under Apostle Mosze and follow after him hard.”

I spoke to my pastor about what I heard, and he gave me his blessing to leave and pursue this instruction. I joined Worship Harvest Mukono Central in 2021, and God opened a door to attend New Dawn Camp in January 2022. New Dawn Camp is a conference in the beginning of every year, which helps people start off their year with God first.

During that camp, my prayer life and attitude about giving made a complete 360 change. I began to give tithe and offering, not out of compulsion or obligation as before, but cheerfully and out of the love I felt for God. Within two months of this change, I began pursuing three new income stream ideas. One income stream was a miracle opportunity from Kenya.

The biggest miracle during this time is that I was given a piece of land belonging to my deceased parents that we had never known existed! I thank God for this wonderful land miracle. It gives my sister and I a good stepping stone to build an inheritance for our children’s children.