SEASON 21 IS A YEARLY rhythm for Worship Harvest Ministries that takes place in January. It is a time of prayer and fasting for all church members, to seek God’s direction for the year. One evening during Season 21, Pastor James Kato taught about dreams. At the end, he said, “Some of you have had dreams in which what you’re praying for has been answered. Come in front and we will give thanks.”
This word came after a year of hurt and disappointment. My husband and I had been trying in vain to conceive a child for the whole of 2019. I eventually saw a doctor, who said the word I had been dreading: infertility. After running the initial tests, the doctor diagnosed me with Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS), which can make it next to impossible to conceive a child. He gave me medication that gave me all the pregnancy symptoms without the baby: terrible nausea and fatigue. It was so frustrating, and my heart was heavy.
However, I had been having dreams about a child, almost every month that year. In one dream, I was writing down her name. In another I saw her face. She looked exactly like our firstborn, I just knew she was mine.
When Pastor Kato called for people to come who had received their answer to prayer in their dreams, I knew the word was for me. I had written down my baby’s name and could pick her out in a crowd. I even recalled a prophecy I had received that I would have two daughters. Without hesitation, I walked to the front and gave thanks. After that day, I stopped taking the medicine the doctor had given me. I told God I would no longer come to Him as a beggar asking for a child, because we had already given thanks for the baby. My prayers turned from sorrow to thanksgiving.
In September 2020, we finally conceived, and I am now holding the baby of my dreams!