ABOUT TEN YEARS AGO, I lost my dad to an accident. Four years ago I lost my big brother to another accident, the first born and only boy. I was convinced that this was spiritual. Last year in 2021, I dared to try fasting during Season 21. I wasn’t 100% faithful but I gave it what felt like was my best back then. I bought three copies of Fasting Simplified by Ap. Mosze. I gave one to my mom, another to a friend and took one for myself. The month of January 2021 was generally a hard and confusing time for my family. A lot was going on. There were family misunderstandings that led us to courts of law, repeated appearances to court, rumored witchcraft against our family and so much more. We just prayed. Thank God that since I was participating in Season 21, I prayed more. Things started working out. On the last day of Season 21, I remember it was the 30th of January. After the Day of Prayer, on my 39 My Testimony way back home with a friend, we were involved in an accident. Someone hit us head on, not once but two times. He was aiming for the 3rd time, but I don’t know how (I believe this was God) I got the car out of the way and he missed us and continued. During the encounter, what flashed through my mind was “Oh no, the devil wins again, I’m also going to die through an accident.” Was this person sent to murder me? Did they know my plates and had been following me around waiting for when to strike? How will my mom and sister bury yet another family member? A lot crossed my mind in a flash. We later learned that the man was very drunk. Police got involved...but my friend and I did not even have a scratch. The only small pain we had was from the seatbelt impact. That’s when it hit me—God protected us! That was divine protection. Being end of January, I’d purposed to give my first fruits. But when all that happened, I was hesitant, thinking, God will understand really. But 40 Worship Harvest my spirit wasn’t at peace. And I got this urge to shame the devil. So I went to the bank, got my first fruits, put it in the envelope and gave it in faith. On the 31st, that same Sunday, I jumped on a boda (motorcycle taxi) and stood in front of church and testified about the night before. I had survived death. God showed up and showed off. The car was repaired and in two weeks it was out of the garage, back on the road. God’s favor and peace overwhelmed me. I do field work that always needs me up and about, my sister was quick to lend me her car for as long as I needed. I resumed work in the field. I had no fear getting back on the road behind a steering wheel. I became so sure and so aware of God’s protection over me and my family. To this day, I believe and declare that I will live and not die. I declare it over my family and myself every day. God is amazing!