Building A Prayer Life

Tue, Mar 5, 2024

Mark 1:35
Now in the morning, having risen a long while before daylight, He went out and departed to a solitary place; and there He prayed. NKJV

One of the things that I have to constantly be learning is prayer. Many pastors and Christians deceive themselves in this area. They get to a point where they feel like they are prayerful. But prayer is not for feeling. It’s for doing. If we are going to do the things that Jesus did publicly, we must do the things that Jesus did privately, and chief among them was prayer. The scripture above is a process scripture that can help anyone who humbles themselves and decides to get better at prayer.

• Now in the morning:
Some people say they are early risers while others say they are night owls. In the text we see that Jesus went to pray in the morning. This is when you are freshest. I’d rather give my best hours to God than the crumbs of the evening when I’m tired.

• Having risen:
Secondly he talks about rising up – not waking up. There is a difference. You can be awake but in bed. Rising up means a separation from your bed. So, don’t deceive yourself trying to pray from your bed.

• A long while before daylight:
Is 7am a long while before daylight? How about 6am? I find that those who can’t rise up before 5am will find it difficult to build any real life changing habits into their lives. When push comes to shove, it’s your habits that will get you through. Start rising up latest 5am or even earlier, if you want to have a proper prayer life.

• He went out and departed:
This may be governed by your current living space. He didn’t pray from where he slept. If you’re married, you are not counting on your spouse waking up at the same time. You need to go out to some other place to pray.

• To a solitary place:
Many people are used to praying only in meetings, when there are other people. These are nice but they won’t grow your intimacy with God. Get into the habit of spending time alone with God. That’s when He will start telling you secrets.

• There He prayed:
Having gone through all this; rising up early, going out, finding a solitary place; don’t get there and then start whatsapping orplaying with your phone. Remember you went to pray. Pray.

May you have a prayer life like that of Jesus!

- Apostle Moses Mukisa