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Debt Clearance

Joshua Waiswa

WE STARTED BUILDING OUR HOUSE in 2015 and for 5 years, even though we were earning a decent amount of money, the house just wasn’t getting finished. Somehow, we found ourselves in an overwhelming amount of debt. In January 2018, we had a debt that was three times my annual earning. We were confused, and desperate at same time.

The construction was paused, we stopped investing and also cut out several things, but the debt wasn’t going anywhere. In 2019, during New Dawn Camp, my wife and I calculated our net worth and we left more discouraged at what we saw. We agreed to start tithing faithfully. It was really hard, but we were determined. We started tithing regularly on everything we earned.

By December 2019, we had cleared 95% of our debt. I don’t know how, but we did! In 2020 during lock down, we even had more money than our needs, and so we decided to buy land. In 2021 during lockdown, because we still had more funds, we decided to start building again. We have never lacked anything, nor have our children.